Monday, December 19, 2011

Buon Natale, da Italia!

Well, Christmas Eve, actually,
but close enough. :)

Cristina and I spent the whole entire morning baking Christmas cookies!!
And I am happy to report that it's finally feeling a little bit more like Christmas to me. :)

After a morning of baking and decorating cookies, how could it not!?
(Michael Bublé and the Glee Cast may have helped out a bit too...)

MmMmMmM cookies!!
(That one on the right down below is just not feelin' the xmas love I guess...)

And maybe the weather has something to do with it...who knows.

It's raining in Nettuno today,
crossing my fingers that it gets cold enough tonight to snow!!!
How cool would that be!?
To wake up to snow on Christmas morning??
That would be a first for me.
But also kinda hoping it doesn't,
because I already can't feel my fingers!!
(And my feet sometimes too...)
I know that for those of us originating from the sunshine state,
(more specifically sunny-so-cal...)
what we consider "weather" refers to a light rainstorm,
the very occasional thunderstorm,
with the temp never going below about 45.
I didn't even know what below 45 degrees felt like.

Holy guacamole...
I have ripped apart and stomped on my previous definition of weather.
Ya. I think I am qualified to redefine it now.
You know in that movie "Under the Tuscan Sun",
when the main character has to ride out her first night in her new house in a ridiculous storm that seems crazy supernatural and only possible in the movies?
It's completely possible.
Just like I didn't know what "real" pasta tasted like before I came to Italy,
I have recently learned that I didn't know what a "real" storm was before now also.
I have never heard thunder so loud. EVER.
I'm talking like, rattle your bones,
feel it in your blood,
all the way into your spine,

Last Sunday, I took a trip into Rome because I wanted to visit a market.
Porta Portese.
It's the BIGGEST market in Rome.
Held every Sunday.
And they literally have anything and everything you could ever possibly need.
It's pretty incredible.
But anyways,
so I left the house very early to catch an early train to Rome.
When I left the house,
clouds were looming, but it hadn't started raining yet.

But by the time I reached the end of Cristina's street,
my boots were soaked through to my socks.
Any normal person would have probably turned around and headed home at that point...
but I guess I had my crazy hat on that day,
and I kept going.
 I was seriously determined to get to this market.
Then, literally within about 3 minutes,
I saw a bolt of lightning...
obviously quickly followed by my new noisy BFF.
Louder than ever.
And as if it could get any worse...
because I seriously thought it couldn't,
it started hailing.
Yup. That happened.
You can choose to believe this, or not,
but I kept going.

I couldn't feel my feet,
my cheap American umbrella was barely holding up,
and I couldn't even count "one Mississippi" in between the lightning and thunder.
I was literally trekking through the middle of a storm.
I found myself singing this song in my head-
Bob Marley: Three Little Birds.
Repeating over and over,
"Don't worry about a thing,
'cause every little thing is gonna be alright."
I think at one point I literally thought I was going to die.
I was convinced that I was going to get struck by lightning and shrivel up in the street.

But, luckily, for you all, I survived.
So you all still get to hear my ridiculous stories! :) ha.
And when I arrived in Rome, there was no rain, lightning, thunder, or hail to be found!
Don't know quite how that worked out,
but those kinds of things are best left unquestioned.

And, the market ended up being totally worth it!
I made it outta there with a bunch of superSECRETchristmasPRESENTS!
hehehe :)

Another reason it was worth it-
we saw a fight!!!
It was pretty wild! And just the slightest bit scary. But mostly cool.
(I think that I may be just a bit jaded to public fights after seeing more bar fights than I can count.)

Aaaaalright, well on that note...
I'm going to cut this blog short,
because it's Christmas Eve,
and I'm sure you all have much more important things to do.
Like preparing topics other than the weather to talk about with your in-laws.
As for me,
I'm going to go listen to some more Michael Bublé.
How can you not get in the Christmas spirit while listening to his x-mas album!?
I knew there was a reason it has been at iTunes #1 album spot for the past month.
Also, I need brainstorm ways to stretch out my stomach so that I can eat non-stop for the next four days!! Muahahaha :)

So, I'll leave you all with just a few photos to recap the week:

Cri showing her goose some love.
She asked me if I wanted to pet it,
so I did.
But the whole time I was shakin' in my boots because I thought the thing was gonna turn and peck my face off.

I went back to that delicious trattoria that I ate at during my first few days in Rome,
unfortunately I didn't see my rich friend there this time ;).
But I ordered some heavenly gnocci that I probably would have sold my soul for.
So it was worth it.

It was Cristina's sister's birthday this week!
Cristina made a delicious cake and decorated it,
it was the star of the show.
Her sister's husband Emiliano was some stiff competition though.

The whole gang.

Oh ya! And I got my vin brulé!!
That lady from last time was there again,
and she was just a big of a bitch this time as last time.
('Scuse my French)
I, again, politely asked for the vin brulé.
"You want what???"
She smirked,
acting like she had no idea what I was asking for.
I said vin brulé again, and pointed to the huge barrel front of me.
She yelled.
I screamed back.
She got the picture.
And I got my vin brulé. :)

Despite the near freezing temperatures,
I have still managed to make my way to the beach quite often.
Watching the waves and watching the sunset,
with the whole beach to myself.
 Brings peaceful to a whole new level.

And I think the geese are finally starting to like me.
They sit outside my room all day,
pecking at the glass and
 pooping outside my door.
A true sign of affection.

Ok friends,
I'm off to go stuff my face with delicious Italian Christmas food and treats for the next four days.
I hope you all are having a lovely, splendid holiday.
Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
See you in 2012!!


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